Showing posts with label 3-D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3-D. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2022

A Virgin in Hollywood (1953)

A curious and generally pretty awful little film.

Darla (Dorothy Abbott) is a small town reporter who is sent to Hollywood to get the real deal on the home of dreams. Her trip to Hollywood runs into trouble almost immediately when she gets chased around some ruins by Playboy models. She also ends up in a rather tame burlesque club and encounters some of the strange menfolk (including a rather terrible comedian)... and womenfolk... of tinsel town in a series of "adventures".

A very strange film with a tiny budget, the running time padded out by inserted two out-of-context 3-D short films in the centre of it! Its a shame that this was long-time bit-part actor Abbott's only starring role, she deserved a lot better than this nonsense. Truly terrible - definitely one of the worst films ever made - though pretty compelling watching of course!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (1983)

Three women have crash landed on a plagued planet inhabited by a lot of people wearing rags, Wolff (Peter Strauss) - a kind of bounty hunter - is lured by the prospect of a big reward to rescue them. Once there he finds the rescue not as simple as he hoped especially when he hooks up with troublesome local girl Nikki (Molly Ringwald).

Wolff and Niki travel across various cyberpunk set masterpieces also linking up with an ex-colleague of Wolff, Washington (Ernie Hudson). Eventually they arrive at the forbidding HQ of Overdog (Michael Ironside) who drains essence from young woman and also hurls slaves into the Maze, a kind of deadly Total Wipeout with lots of sharp edges...

The film does genuinely look amazing though often unoriginal, at times it looks like a big budget remake of a low-budget Italian remake of Mad Max. Or maybe an overlong early 1980s pop video. The action is lacking at times though promises so much. It was released as a 3-D film so that explains a lot of the action involves things falling towards the camera, they maybe got a little carried away with that. The plot is basically one set piece of mild peril followed by another but amusing enough and there are some good lines especially from Overdog. The film is worth it alone though for the technology of the forbidden world especially the sail powered train!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Cat-Women of the Moon (1953)

A low-budget science fiction B-movie which was filmed in 3-D (though does not seem to really take a great deal advantage of the extra dimension). The plot is simple: Earth sends a rocket to the Moon, discovers ancient race of Cat-Women who want to steal the rocket and enslave Earth. The film is complete nonsense of course though campy fun.

The Cat-Women (heavily made up in black jumpsuits) are able to control women but not men, luckily one of the human crew is female (Marie Windsor) whom they are able to manipulate. Can the humans led by Sonny Tufts and Victor Jory foil the plans of the Cat-Women led by Carol Brewster?

Well yes of course but a lot of the film is absurd, starting with the ridiculous interior of the spaceship with wooden tables. The Moon seems to reuse familiar science-fiction tropes including giant spiders and the Cat-Women City looks like the reused set from another film. Well you can have a lot of fun with this tripe to be honest. I did.