Now for our 800th review!
Sexton Blake could be considered a bit of a rip-off of Sherlock Holmes being an amateur detective who also lives on Baker Street! However, his stories were very popular in the twentieth century (indeed he was my great-grandfather's favourite detective). In this film, Blake (
George Curzon) has to battle the mysterious Black Quorum who are the most powerful and deadliest criminals in the country apparently, though the fact Blake has never heard of them before despite being a famous detective seems quite odd.
The Quorum are led by Larron (Tod Slaughter), who has the appearance of a respectable stamp collector but when he dons his black snake gown and hood he likes to send women to the death chamber. Blake, with the help of his assistant Tinker (Tony Sympson), tracks the Quorum to a house in London. However, he is captured and left to die. Luckily French undercover agent Julie (Greta Gynt) saves the day... The hunt then continues in Paris...
So this is a fast moving romp with numerous cliffhangers and death traps, in some ways it is like a condensed movie serial. Original it isn't but fun it surely is. The ending is certainly unusual especially for a film from this era.