Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Malibu Express (1985)
Monday, January 27, 2025
One of My Wives is Missing (1976)
Newly wed Daniel Corban's (James Franciscus) wife has gone missing, the local cop Inspector Levine (Jack Klugman) isn't that interested at what he thinks is just a lover's tiff.
Then Corban's wife turns up... but Corban says it isn't her! This Elizabeth (Elizabeth Ashley) seems genuine though, she knows the answers to all the questions but Corban is insistent it isn't her. There is something darker going on but maybe not quite what you may expect...
This is a terrific film with a very surprising twist. When you think back at earlier events in the film, the twist just about remains plausible. A well-paced drama, with a great cast, that has layer upon layer.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Invisible Avenger (1958)
The Shadow, Lamont Cranston (Richard Derr) goes to New Orleans to investigate the death of a jazz man. Somehow, the death is mixed up with a Latin American country's exiled leader and a possible revolution. To combat the bad guys, The Shadow can make himself invisible (though the effect is somewhat ruined by the evil laughter he has to do at the same time for some reason) and control men's minds...
This actually was the pilot for a TV series about The Shadow who last appeared in films in the 1940s (though without any special powers). The pilot wasn't taken up so it was turned into a rather uneven film.
It is a decent enough B movie, well paced and with plenty of action, the story delving more into the mystic than earlier films where The Shadow was basically a bloke with a hat! Mark Daniels plays Cranston's spiritual guide Jogendra.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Fear in the Night (1946)
A modest but thrilling psychological thriller with a Noir edge.
Vince (DeForest Kelley in his first film role) wakes from a horrible dream where he killed someone. However, he doesn't think it was a dream when traces of blood are found on his clothes and he also had a strange key, which he thinks it to a cupboard he put the body! Vince is highly troubled by it all and goes to his police detective brother-in-law Cliff (Paul Kelly) for help. When they find the house which Vince saw in his dream and discover there was a murder that took place there a few days ago it looks like Vince is in a jam but what really happened?
This is a superb film, often quite dark and chilling. As the story progresses it does look Vince may be doomed though an unexpected twist later on leads to something even darker going on.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Noah's Ark (1928)
A mixed group of people are travelling on the Orient Express in 1914 including a couple of American tourists Al (Guinn Williams) and Travis (George O'Brien) and a German girl Marie (Dolores Costello). The story switches to 1917, by now Al and Travis are American soldiers on the Western Front. They save Marie from being shot as a spy... but what has all this got to do with Noah's Ark?
The story switches to the time of Akkad, whose King has defied God who sends a flood to wipe out mankind, though Noah is tasked with building a big boat. An epic part of the film (though the flood scene was maybe a little too epic, three extras died in the filming and dozens more were injured, Costello also caught pneumonia!) The film has a strong anti-war message, unfortunately the message was unheeded just over ten years later...
The film is a transitional silent film with some sound scenes. Unfortunately, the dialogue does not add a great deal to the film. The film is a solid watch, the flood scenes (basically an extended dream sequence) are compelling, though what a price was paid.