Monday, March 28, 2022

The Hot Rock (1972)

A highly enjoyable early 70s heist movie that goes on and on.

Dortmunder (Robert Redford) is recruited by his brother-in-law Kelp (George Segal) to steal a diamond from a museum, a commission by Dr Amusa (Moses Gunn), an official from an African country. The heist, which involves a staged fake car crash, goes well. The diamond is stolen... but one of the gang members Greenburg (Paul Sand) is arrested... and he was the one with the loot.

Dortmunder and Kelp manage to bust Greenburg out of the gaol, they then discover that he hid the diamond at the police station when he was arrested! So, they have to raid the police station too. Dortmunder starts to feel that the diamond is cursed but he is going to get it if its the last thing he does...

Fairly far fetched but good fun, very cool in an early 70s California way too. If you like complicated and intricate heists in movies then you'll like this as you get them multiple times in this one!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Riders of the Purple Sage (1925)

A classic silent era Western, based on the famous Zane Grey novel.

Jim Carson (Tom Mix) rides to the rescue when his sister (Beatrice Burnham) and her daughter is kidnapped by some bad dudes on the order of the evil Lew Walters (Warner Oland). Jim saves his sister, then he links up with rancher Jane (Mabel Ballin) in her fight against some cattle rustlers called the Riders of the Purple Sage. Behind their crooked antics secretly is Walters, who is posing as a judge...

This has all you need for a top quality Western, a great hero, a great villain, superb scenery and lots and lots of action.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spanking the Monkey (1994)

A rather dark film about a rather inappropriate relationship.

Ray (Jeremy Davies) comes home from MIT to care for his mother Susan (Alberta Watson) who has broken her leg. Mum is lonely and rather manipulative and Dad (Benjamin Hendrickson) is away from home as a salesman. He doesn't get on with Susan or Ray in any case and is a rather unpleasant individual. 

Caring for his mum, and seeing her naked, leads Ray to start having sexual thoughts about her. Unfortunately, she shares these thoughts and they begin a relationship putting him in competition with the old man...

Despite the taboo subject the film has some quite offbeat humour. All of the characters have flaws in different ways, apart from Ray perhaps. An interesting watch and a competent independent film.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Thrashin' (1986)

Classic 1980s youth gang action on four wheels, four wheels of a skateboard that is!

Corey (Josh Brolin) is a young hotshot skateboarder who arrives in LA with his crew to compete with the best. They immediately come into conflict with a bunch of skateboarding punks led by Hook (Robert Rusler). Corey is going to take part in a downhill race and grab all the glory and money. Hook has other ideas of course. Things get complicated when Corey meets Chrissy (Pamela Gidley) and they fall in love. Complicated because Chrissy is Hook's kid sister...

This is a fairly formulaic teen drama with the usual tale of challenge, set backs and eventual redemption. The film is often quite silly but is cool (especially if you are nostalgic for the 1980s) and fun. The skateboarding is realistic (and includes many accidents!)

Look out for the young unknown band who appear in an early scene. They were pretty good, i wonder what happened to them. They called them the Red Hot Chili Peppers i believe...

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Wild Women of Wongo (1958)

A very strange film, that somehow could only have been made in the 1950s.

Some time in the distant past, the jungle village of Wongo apparently has a problem, all the men are ugly and all the women beautiful. So beautiful in fact they look like they just came out of a salon instead of living in the prehistoric jungle and worshipping an alligator god. Then a young man called Engor (Johnny Walsh) from another village arrives asking for help against some wild men. Apparently in his village all the men are handsome hunks and the women ugly!

The daughter of the king of Wongo (Jean Hawkshaw) decides she doesn't want to marry a local ugly man and instead she wants the handsome guy from elsewhere. After disrespecting the alligator god (a prop which looks it was bought in a zoo souvenir shop) she and a group of other Wongo girls head off to hunt... guys.

Its a truly terrible film to be sure though the sheer camp makes it compelling. The actors look good in their designer animal skin swimwear though recite their lines like they are under duress. A parrot appears throughout the film making random squawks, certainly not annoying at all!

Monday, March 21, 2022

The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant (1971)

A weird and pretty low-rent horror.

Mad scientist Roger (Bruce Dern) has a secret, which he is keeping especially from his wife Linda (Pat Priest). He is conducting strange medical experiments on animals, grafting a second living head onto their bodies. Meanwhile a psychopathic murderer Cass (Albert Cole) has escaped from the asylum. He reaches Roger's home and wrecks havoc. Finally Roger and his assistant Max (Barry Kroeger) gun him down... then of course Roger and Max decide that they now have the perfect opportunity to take their experiments to the next level...

They graft Cass' had onto the body of huge but simple Danny (John Bloom). Naturally the creature escapes and begins a killing spree. The police are assisted by one of Roger's friends Ken (Casey Kasem - yes that one!) Roger and Max are also out to hide their evidence. As for Linda, well she gets attacked and menaced by the monster and ends up put in a cage by her husband. I suspect their marriage doesn't have long for this world...

A cheaply made piece of drivel. The film is fun (for all the wrong reasons of course). The story is pretty much by the numbers and the two headed effects rely on clever camera angles or puppets. Albert Cole is superbly and completely over the top as the paychopath.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Hackers (1995)

A hilariously dated tale of internet antics,

It's the early days of the commercial internet, when downloading a badly pixelated soft core porn Gif took half an hour and would probably fail on 95% after you lost your modem connection. Former virus writer Dade (Johnny Lee Miller) (better known as Zero Cool or Crash Override - on LinkedIn no doubt) gets back into the hacking game and joins a gang of hackers (including a rather amazing looking Angelina Jolie) who are hacking into a system owned by computer expert Belford (Fisher Stevens) trying proving he is on the take. But as Belford prefers to be known as The Plague we can probably guess he is up to no good...

Computing in movies has always been problematic, especially so in this film. The graphics were dated even in the day, of course everyone "hacks" computers by typing really fast! I started my career in internet development when this film came out, to be honest it wasn't much like this. Which is a shame.

It is totally nonsense of course but fun.