Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Shot In The Dark (1935)

A college student (James Bush) is found hanging from the balcony of his dorm room however it soon transpires that he was already dead when the rope was put around his neck... another boy who knew some information dies soon after.

The father (Robert Warwick) of the murdered student's friend Ken Harris (Charles Starrett) is in town and as he has in interest in criminology takes over the case, even the local police agree to it! The murderer is using some kind of weapon to shoot needles into the brains of their victims...

A complicated but enjoyable murder mystery with some Golden Age touches. Is the victim's sister Jean (Marion Shilling) mixed up in it? Family secrets and inheritances are eventually discovered to be the motive and there is a great twist in the end. The film has some good performances though as is usual with films set in universities from this period the "students" all look a little old...