Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Edge of Hell (1987)

Years ago in a remote farmhouse a kid watches his parents killed by the Devil who lives in the fridge (next to the bacon we assume). Now an 80s hair metal band turns up at the same farmhouse to record an album (for some reason a 24-track recording studio is in the barn), what could go wrong?

A lot obviously as the members of the band led by John (Jon Mikl Thor) start to act rather strangely and start to die just as strangely, killed off by monsters who look like the Muppets on LSD. But then... after several monster murders and lengthy sex scenes, there is a massive twist which completely changes the direction of the film and seems to render everything that has taken place before as meaningless...

Well these kind of low budget films are supposed to make little sense but... well no idea what was going on in most of this. It doesn't really matter as the final act is fantastic and utterly over the top and ridiculous. It is a cheese filled masterpiece.