Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Rhythm Racketeer (1937)

A wonderful (if slightly strange) film. US gangster Nap Connors (Harry Roy) is trying - but failing - to make his name in London. He discovers by chance that band leader Harry Grant looks so similar to him they could be twins. Nap concocts a plan to steal the jewels of Mrs Nash (Norma Varden) as she travels by liner over to New York and make sure Harry takes the fall...

Things, of course, do not go to plan as Harry falls for Karen (Princess Pearl) who is accompanying Mrs Nash. Now in New York, Nap plans to steal the jewels during a charity night at his night club (Harry singing while Nap is stealing). What could go wrong? Well rival gangsters and Nap's gal Lola (Judith Wood) get involved in the mix...

A truly great little film. Light hearted and fast moving with plenty of charm. The musical set pieces are lavish (the band is great of course) and also fit in perfectly with the plot.