Monday, January 18, 2021

Snake People (1971)

A colourful but rather average zombie horror film, worth watching mostly as it was one of Boris Karloff's last films before he died. Captain Labesch (Rafael Bertrand) and Anabella (Julissa) arrive on a remote island. They find the authorities spend most of their time in a drunken stupor especially the police chief Carlos East (Anabella is especially keen to stop this as she wants funding for a temperance society!) and a crazed voodoo priest called Damballah is practising strange rites including we are told, raising the dead.

Anabella's uncle (Karloff) owns most of the island and warns that the ancient rites should not be interfered with. He is researching secret powers of the mind. Does he have involvement with something more sinister on the island too?

This isn't a good film by any means though is not unentertaining, the voodoo rites follow the usual script with plenty of skulls, fires, near naked women dancing with snakes and a sinister dwarf. However, they often go on a bit with not much happening. The plot doesn't really make such sense either but the film looks pretty good.