Monday, April 26, 2021

Avalanche (1978)

A standard 1970s disaster movie, a motley collection of stereotypes (reckless businessman, ex wife, sporty big head, annoying man who will be proved right, drunk old dame) is at Shelby's (Rock Hudson) new ski resort. Shelby promises the resort will be the best ever, but local photographer and environmentalist Thorne (Robert Forster) thinks an avalanche could happen any time, of course Shelby laughs this off.

Shelby is also obsessed with trying to get back in with his ex-wife Caroline (Mia Farrow) though she shows more interest in Thorne and shacks up at his remote lodge, which is kind of lucky for her as she was out of harms way when the avalanche finally happens - thanks to a plane crash. 

After about an hour of largely aimless and somewhat mediocre melodrama the actual disaster is almost a relief, however it is also pretty brutal with many extras slaughtered in various horrible ways including buried in snow, electrocuted, stomped by a stampede and even blown up in a gas explosion! The effects are hilariously cheesy but effective.

The film is nonsense but entertaining enough if approached the right way. The film is full of disaster movie cliches and stock characters. Total tosh but fun with it.