Monday, May 17, 2021

Death Line (1972)

A superbly dark horror. An important civil servant (James Cossins) goes missing, he was last seen incapacitated at Russell Square tube station by students Alex (David Ladd) and Patricia (Sharon Gurney). Although Inspector Calhoun (Donald Pleasance) is fobbed off by MI5 (Christopher Lee) he still thinks there is a crime to investigate, especially when some workers are found killed at the same tube station. Forensics indicates there was another person present at the attack, one extremely ill.

There are legends, Calhoun learns, of trapped Victorian workers who formed a cannibalistic soceity underground. Of course this is nonsense, or is it? Alex and Patricia soon find out for themselves...

A terrifically cruel and strange film, much of which takes place in dark forgotten tunnels. The film has a strange mixture of flawed humanity (in the very realistic characters) and tragic inhumanity of the man (Hugh Armstrong). Indeed, the "beast" is in many ways a sad victim too, which adds so many layers to this film. Really quite brilliant.