Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Frankenstein Island (1981)

A complete and utter mess of a film, that will test your stamina even if you like trash films. Four balloonists crash in the sea and end up on a remote island. But they discover the island is inhabited by young women in leopard skin bikinis. These girls like to dance and gyrate and play around with snakes. So life doesn't seem to bad for our four balloonists. 

But then they discover the island is also inhabited by drunk rough men and strange emotionless guys in black jumpers. An ancestor of Dr Frankenstein (John Carradine) - who randomly appears in visions ranting about golden threads - lives on the island too (Katharine Victor as Sheila Frankenstein - yes really) and is conducting various demented experiments to create an army of mutants. The scientists require the blood and flesh of our visitors and the young girls (of course). This sets the scene for one of the worse showdowns and final battles ever...

Oh the young girls are apparently aliens (of course). Nothing really makes sense with this film, especially as more and more randomness is thrown in as it progresses, you get the impression the script was about half a side of A4 and the rest was made up as they went along. 

Low budget (maybe should say zero budget) drivel that, despite the weirdness, is rather boring much of the time with little going on though the final battle is worth a watch due to it's sheer inanity. The four balloonists are so bland as characters its hard to remember much about them, you will remember the Frankenstein Monster when he finally appears however. You'll see better efforts at the average fancy dress party!