Thursday, December 9, 2021

Monstrosity (1963)

An utterly awful and rather repellant film. A rich and bitter old woman, Mrs March (Marjorie Eaton) is funding the deranged medical experiments of Dr Frank (Frank Gerstile), who is transplanting brains using atomic energy (back in the 50s and 60s atomic radiation was seemingly capable of everything). March wants her brain transplanted into the body of a young woman. She has three maids imported and chooses Bea (Judy Bamber) for her new body even though she has the worst British accent ever.

Things do not run smoothly though, one of Dr Frank's earlier experiments where he put a dog's brain in a man's body menaces the grounds. Dr Frank puts a cat's brain in one of the other maid's Maria (Lisa Lang) body, Cat Maria proceeds to attack and mutilate Bea. The last maid, Nina (Erika Peters), is the new chosen one. When the transfer operation takes place there is a rather surprising twist...

A terrible film, shoddy and awkward and shamelessly exploitative. The best acting on show is probably by Maria when she becomes a cat. Worth experiencing once for the sheer inanity. A very aptly named film.