Friday, May 6, 2022

Hollywood After Dark (1961)

A rather sleazy tale, more no-rent than low-rent.

Tony (Tony Vorno) owns a scrapyard in Hollywood. He is recruited by the owner of a strip club to join in a planned raid on an armoured car though is rather hesitant to go through with it. Tony who seems somewhat morose about... well everything but he falls in love with Sandy (Rue McClanahan), a Hollywood hopeful who is hoping to become a star but instead seems to be taking her clothes off for a handful of cheap punters. Tony decides to go through with the heist so he can use the money to help Sandy...

A very cheap and rather awful film. The film has poor acting, a poor plot, and is rather poorly made. Even the strip show scenes are rather grim. You do get to see a future Golden Girl do a burlesque strip show though!