Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Taxi Driver (1976)

A classic dark tale of a troubled man pushed over the edge.

Travis (Robert De Niro), a veteran and somewhat mentally unstable, takes a job as a taxi driver on the night shift as he can't sleep. Here he is exposed to all of the sin of the big city lights, some of which he likes to partake in especially porn. He falls in love with (or maybe obsessed with) Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) who is working for an aspiring politician, though his date with her ends badly when he takes her to a porn cinema!

Travis then sees Iris (Jodie Foster), a twelve year old prostitute pimped by Sport (Harvey Keitel). Travis tries to get her to leave her terrible life. He shaves his head and heads out with his guns, he wants to save Iris and make a difference and doesn't expect to survive...

A superbly crafted and paced film, a true highlight of 1970s cinema. A story that will shock but also surprises, especially the final twist.