Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Queen of Outer Space (1958)

After a promising start this quickly becomes fairly unoriginal 1950s sci-fi though isn't all bad.

We are in the future (well the 1980s anyway) and mankind is in space. Captain Neal (Eric Fleming) commands his ship to a space station, which comes under attack and blows up! A mysterious beam sends their ship out of control. They find themselves on Venus, and soon are prisoners of women with ray guns who, despite being Venusians speak perfect English and have spent a lot of time in the salon.

No men are on the planet, Queen Yllana (Laurie Mitchell) has either killed or banished them after a nuclear war. She wears a mask and we later find out she was disfigured by radiation. Neal and his men discover that not everyone is as anti-male as Yllana, rebels led by Talleah (Zsa Zsa Gabor) want to change the status quo...

The start of this film is quite promising, the take off and mission being portrayed in a fairly realistic (for the time) manner. However, once the men reach Venus things take a downward turn and the film becomes a bit generic. It also has some rather jarring misogyny even for the time. The sets and costumes look superb though. Not a bad film though it could have been somewhat better.