Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Fear City (1984)

A sleazy tale of vice and murder in the big city that doesn't quite get out of third gear.

Strippers in NY are being attacked and soon murdered by a mysterious attacker (Neil Clifford) whose motivations and background are never really explained apart from that he knows martial arts. The strippers are managed by Nicky (Jack Scalia) and Matt (Tom Berenger) who is an ex-boxer whose career was ended by his mental trauma after killing an opponent in the ring. Nicky and Matt think their rivals are behind the attacks but when their rivals' strippers are also attacked they know something more is up. 

The police in the form of Wheeler (Billy Dee Williams) are keen to bust everyone's ass though don't seem to be doing much to find the attacker, but then again neither does Matt until the very end of the film and the inevitable final showdown...

Despite being a rather gory film about a serial attacker the film lacks a lot of tension, you do get a lot of near naked women gyrating in seedy glubs though. Much of the film deals with Matt's demons and his eventual redemption. As for the attacker, well he doesn't say a word. Not a bad film but could have been so much more.