Monday, August 28, 2023

The Woman Condemned (1934)

A decent if confusing crime drama that ends with an enjoyable twist.

Radio star Jane (Lola Lane) goes missing after some menacing phone calls, private investigator Barbara (Claudia Dell) is arrested after breaking into her apartment looking for clues. At court reporter Jerry (Richard Hemingway) gets interested in the case, or rather interested in Barbara, and ends up getting married to her there and then! Next however Barbara is arrested for Jane's murder, she does not seem to want to help herself or get Jerry's help on anything.

Jerry finds a phone number which leads to a private hospital where the mysterious Dr Wagner (Mischa Auer) is a plastic surgeon, and Jane is alive and well as Dr Wagner was removing a birth mark from her face. So, who is the dead woman, and what exactly is going on?

It is rather confusing though the plot has some interesting aspects, the conclusion is satisfying even if getting there is a rather choppy ride.