Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Frozen Scream (1975)

An amazingly bizarre, and at times pretty gruesome, zombie horror.

A group of scientists (mad of course) are trying to discover the secret of immortality. They do this by kidnapping people and turning them into zombies which are kept frozen until they are needed for nefarious purposes. One of these zombies is Tom (Wolf Muser) and now his wife Ann (Lynne Yeaman) is trying to find out what happened to him. This puts her in various perils of course and pitted against one of the scientists (Renee Harmon) who has an impressively sinister accent...

This is a really weird film, the zombies dress as mad monks, the direction is very strange at times with curiously chosen camera angles but the scares can work, or can be hilarious, or both. 

The film doesn't really make a lot of sense and has a lengthly scene while a bad rock and roll band plays for some reason right in the middle of strange satanic rituals and vicious zombie attacks. It really shouldn't work and it doesn't... but somehow it does at the same time.