Friday, September 27, 2024

Murder in Times Square (1943)

An uneven murder mystery involving snake venom and some unlikely disguises.

Actor Cory Williams (Edmund Lowe) is in trouble when a man he punches dies, however it it likely found the man died of snake venom, Cory is not fully off the hook though as his current play is about people killed by snake bites! 

Detective Tabot (William Wright) is convinced that Cory is guilty and is a psychopath. Cory struggles to prove his innocence in a complicated plot involving love rivals and curses by the acid tongued Longacre Lil (Esther Dale)...

A reasonable crime drama though dragged down by a little too much nonsense, including Cory attempting various disguises and mimicking people to various degrees of failure. The story is also a little hard to follow at times, but overall this is an inoffensive little watch.