Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Scorpion (1986)

A rather static action drama, enlivened by some occasionally decent fight scenes.

The Scorpion, Steve Woods (Tonny Tulleners) is an elite agent who helps stop a bunch of hijackers on a plane single handedly. He is later tasked with protecting a terrorist-turned-informer from harm, and there are many out to do him harm. Then The Scorpion's childhood friend is killed in one of the fights, now it's personal...

Who was Tonny Tullenders? Well he was a martial arts fighter who once beat Chuck Norris in a contest, apparently this got him this film role despite the fact as an actor he is completely wooden. But he is a good fighter. Unfortunately, Chuck Norris does not appear in this film.

The fight scenes on the whole arn't much better though that may be down more to the direction than anything else. Its all rather generic and unfortunately a bit dull.