Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Fugitive Road (1934)

Captain von Traunsee (Erich von Stroheim) is a bored Austrian army officer stuck at the border as a punishment for his love of high living in Vienna. An American gangster Frank Riker (Leslie Fenton) disturbs his boredom when he tries to cross the border and is detained.

More complications come when a Russian girl Sonya (Wera Engels) is also detained with a false passport. von Traunsee and Riker both have the hots for her. A love triangle develops though not all is what it seems...

The film is all about von Stroheim who is brilliant with his sardonic lines, unbridled lechery and overbearing pomposity yet also has a true heart of chivalry. The funniest scene is where he demands his orderly get his best uniform out when he is to meet Sonya, though first he has to have it drenched in cologne as it stinks.