Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Whispering Footsteps (1943)

Marcus Bourne (John Hubbard) is a bank clerk who returns from vacation to find that he has a startling resemblance to a murderer in a neighbouring town.

More murders occur and Marcus finds himself under suspicion from the police (Cy Kendall) and his fellow boarders. Though is given alibis by women who fancy him (which seems to be all of them).

The story is a bit plodding and basic with plenty of annoying and somewhat one-dimensional characters including Rose (Juanita Quigley) who screams at the slightest scare, Sally (Marie Blake) as a lonely librarian, Harry Hammond (Charles Halton) as a cardboard but lecherous bank manager and overtly horny Helene (Joan Blair).

Although a crime story the film is more about small town gossip and prejudice. It has some nice noirish touches though overall is somewhat rushed.