Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Park Plaza 605 (1953)

Tom Conway is Norman Conquest (no really that's really the character name, he was a popular literary detective in the mid-twentieth century). He is a private detective who veers a bit far over the line between cheeky charm and annoyance. He gets involved in a quite frankly ridiculous plot involving Russians, stolen Nazi diamonds and murder basically by accidentally killing a pigeon carrying a secret message while playing golf with his assistant Pixie (Joy Sheldon).

The message is about a rendezvous in a hotel, naturally Conquest decides to go along and see what is going on. There he finds the lovely Nadina Rodin (Eva Bartok) who drugs Conquest and when he wakes up he finds himself accused of murdering a member of the Soviet trade delegation by the police in the form of Sid James...

A pleasant crime drama that trots along merrily enough without knocking down any doors. The humour could easily be ill judged but kind of works with this film which mixes dark and light story elements in an industrial blender. The resulting porridge isn't bad at all.