Friday, August 9, 2019

The Last Duel (1989)

Alex Man plays a fishball seller who is always in scrapes with the police, and ends up getting framed for the manslaughter of a pregnant woman by a ruthlessly ambitious cop played by Karel Wong...

After 3 more years of prison Alex returns home to find his woman gone off to Australia and replaced by Rosamund Kwan (not that bad a deal) and his former underling Dicky Cheung is shacked up with an part-time prostitute.

Then the bad cop rapes his bro's girl and revenge is (of course) sought. But the bad cop has the law on his side (and no matter how much he bends the rules that seems to remain the case) and what does Alex have... well an illegal fishball concession.

It all ends up in an extremely violent and bloody showdown. Great action and a cool bad guy. But then again bad guy cops are always cool. The film is nothing new, it is merely a competent example of HK ultraviolence. There is a little too much violence though, a little more story instead might have been a good idea.