Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Fun Bar Karaoke (1997)

Pu (Fey Ussawaweth), dreams of her dead mum every night and in those dreams she is building a model house. She is told by fortune tellers that when she finishes the house her dad, who is a bit of a drunk and enjoys karaoke at the seedy Fun Bar Karaoke and young women (especially at the same time), will die...

Her dad is involved with one young lady, unfortunately for him she is a gangster's moll and thus his life is in a spot of peril. He gets used as a punchbag by the hood's men - one of whom Noi (Ray MacDonald) is a ruthless (yet also a bit of a bumbling loser) killer who has the hots for Pu...

So that is the story, its not that bad a film. An interesting story, as with many (all?) Thai films mixed with a dose of superstition. The film has a number of dream sequences that often confuse. Maybe too many dream sequences if we are to be honest.

The print is a bit fuzzy and the sound poor. Its a bit sloppy too, the sound boom appears a few times, one time it nearly hits the actor on the head. How did that pass unnoticed during production?