Monday, May 4, 2020

Deadly Prey (1987)

Ridiculous ultra violent nonsense, fun for all the wrong reasons of course. Colonel Hogan (David Campbell) has set up a mercenary camp in the woods, to train his men he sets them off to hunt down an overweight office worker. Despite the fact they make pretty heavy weather of it, his team are sent to find another victim, someone tougher. More of a challenge. How about ex-special forces, and former comrade of Hogan, Mike Danton (Ted Prior)?

Mike is set off to run into the woods to be hunted down, but soon it becomes clear that he is the hunter as he steadily wipes out the camouflaged bums one by one. Finally Hogan realises who his "prey" is and the hunt becomes personal...

Well there isn't much story but a load of macho nonsense as muscular men fight with knives, rocks and anything else. Cameron Mitchell plays Mike's father-in-law who manages to find where Mike is being held despite the vaguest of information and infiltrates a base of heavily armed mercenaries. Despite the fact Hogan keeps half a dozen hand grenades on his desk you get the impression this army of fortune isn't all that good...

The film is great fun if you like cheesy violent 1980s films. Lets face it who doesn't like a film where a man gets a hand grenade put down his pants?