Thursday, May 21, 2020

Deathstalker (1983)

Sword and sorcery... and a lot of bare breasts. Evil Munkar (Bernard Erhard) is a magician who rules the kingdom... which seems to be a kingdom of a lot of murder and rape. Carefree adventurer Deathstalker (Richard Hill) is recruited by a witch to defeat Munkar. To do this he must get a magical sword which will render him invincible. He does this (and thus takes a lot of the tension out of the film).

Next Deathstalker rides into Munkar's castle to take part in a tournament. More killing and depravity takes place. Princess Codille (Barbi Benton) is more of interest to Deathstalker than the ultimate power, which he will gain if he seizes Munkar's amulet and chalice...

So this is a film with a lot of violence (including quite a lot of decapitations) and sex (masses of female and make nudity). Naturally the land is also full of strange monsters and freaks, including a rather odd creature who lives in a box. It is isn't a film that has much in the way of plot, but the plot there is is the usual sub-Conan fare. The film doesn't really make much sense but is enjoyable campy tosh and is as fun as it looks. It doesn't take itself seriously which is always the best with stuff like this.