Friday, June 12, 2020

Curse of the Voodoo (1965)

Rather insipid voodoo nonsense. Smug big game hunter Mike (Bryant Haliday) kills a lion on safari, despite the advice of his fellow hunters including Lomas (Dennis Price). The lion was killed in the territory of a tribe who worship lions as gods and place a curse on those who kill them... Mike, who seems to only care about killing animals and boozing, scoffs at this curse of course.

He returns to London to his wife Janet (Lisa Daniely), he begins to have hallucinations. He imagines a lion attacking him in Regents Park. Later he also thinks he is being stalked by African voodoo warriors and ends up shooting up his hotel room...

It isn't too bad a film, at times quite suspenseful. The budget is limited though, the scenes in "Africa" look more like they are in Surrey. Quite what voodoo has to do with Africa and not Haiti of course is a big question which this film leaves unanswered. The main problem with this film is Mike, who is a rather unsympathetic character, you begin rooting for the "voodoo" warriors quite quickly.