Monday, June 29, 2020

Voodoo Man (1944)

Enjoyable voodoo nonsense. Dr Marlowe (Bela Lugosi)'s wife died twenty years ago - though she is still intact and not aged somehow. The Doctor is capturing young girls with the help of his strange and motley collection of henchmen including John Carradine and George Zucco. He is trying to transfer the spirit of the living into his dead/not dead wife using voodoo magic.

When Stella (Louise Currie) is the latest victim of Dr Marlowe's evil scheme, young reporter Ralph (Tod Andrews) begins to investigate the strange Doctor, who has a group of young zombie girls in his basement. Unfortunately Ralph's fiance Betty (Wanda McKay) is the next target for Marlowe...

A silly and creepy film, the absurdity of the premise however makes the film pretty amusing. Everything is oddly low-key and slow, Lugosi and Zucco spend most of the film in matching black cloaks - with random occult symbols on them - chanting nonsense.