Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Hand of Night (1968)

An engaging tale of Arabic vampires. Paul (William Sylvester), broken after the deaths of his wife and children in an accident, travels to Morocco. There he meets archaeologist Gunther (Edward Underdown) who is about to open the tomb of a priestess. Paul has already seen Gunther in a nightmare though along with various other strange things...

Then Paul ends up in a mysterious palace where he meets Marissa (Aliza Gur), funnily enough that is the name of the priestess in the tomb. Despite dancing girls and much exotica at night when Paul returns to the palace in the daytime he finds it is just a ruin. With the help of Gunther's assistant Chantel (Diane Clare), Paul seeks to find out what is going on. Why is he being haunted by Marissa? He cheated death, or did he?

An enjoyable horror romp, full of exotic mystery and no little camp.