Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Undercover Agent (1939)

A reasonable little film. Postal inspector Bill (Russell Gleason) is suspended from his job - in a rather odd manner (he foils a crime but uses his official gun). He finds out about a gang and their scam selling fake lottery tickets. He decides to go undercover and investigate the scam, and break it up (and thus get his old job back...)

One complication is his girlfriend Betty (Shirley Deane) or rather her alcoholic father Tom (J.M. Kerrigan) who always seems to get in the way. He is a rather annoying character, we first see him trying to pawn Betty's confirmation locket in order to buy booze!

The sometimes novel characterisations elevate this film above the mundane. The plot is basic and everything is all right in the end. And they all went home happily for tea (though Tom would rather something stronger!)