Friday, August 27, 2021

Let George Do It! (1940)

Hilarious early wartime nonsense. When the ukulele player at an orchestra in Bergen, Norway is murdered, we discover that he was a British agent investigating the band leader Mendez (Garry Marsh), Mendez is a suspected Nazi agent sending the locations of British ships to u-boats. The British send another ukulele player / agent as a replacement but due to a mix-up in the blackout George Formby is sent instead!

George is completely hapless of course and has no idea what is going on when his contact Mary (Phyllis Calvert) tries to get him to help. George is spurred on to his patriotic duty and Mary's disappointment and, amid mayhem in a bakery, discovers how Mendez sends his codes (quite ingeniously it must be said). Mendez also discovers something, that George is a spy and he concocts a devious scheme to get rid of him...

Complete pantomime farce of course, especially George's dream sequence where he ends up punching Hitler! The slapstick mayhem is dialled up to eleven in the final act aboard the u-boat. To be honest if we'd have a few more George Formbys the war would have been over by 1941 one way or the other! Very funny indeed. Mother!