Friday, August 20, 2021

The Princess and the Pirate (1944)

A very funny Bob Hope romp. The brutal pirate Hook (Victor MacLaglen) aims to kidnap the Princess (Virginia Mayo) who is on the run from the King (Robert Warwick). She is aboard a ship along with Bob Hope and his rather second-rate comedy act as Sylvester. The Princess and Sylvester end up the prisoners of Hook but are freed by the eccentric Featherhead (Walter Brennan) who gives them a map to Hook's treasure.

The Princess and Sylvester are soon the prisoners of La Roche (Walter Slezek) who wants to claim the reward from the King but is also in league with Hook. A chaotic and hilarious sequence at La Roche's mansion ends up with Sylvester impersonating Hook...

A very silly film full of obvious (but genuinely funny) gags and slapstick. Bing Crosby makes an appearance right at the very end.