Monday, October 25, 2021

Four Sided Triangle (1953)

What is worse than a love triangle? A four sided love triangle. Bill (Stephen Murray) and Robin (John Van Eyssen) are childhood friends and mad scientists who are feverishly working on a machine that can duplicate matter. While their mutual childhood crush Lena (Barbara Peyton) and their mentor Dr Harvey (James Hayter) watch on, the scientists succeed. The British government begins the process of crushing the development with bureaucracy, meanwhile Robin marries Lena... Bill is distraught.

With the help of Dr Harvey, Bill modifies the machine to be able to duplicate living things! He manages to convince Lena to let him duplicate her... creating Helen. Unfortunately Helen is an exact duplicate and also loves Robin and not Bill...

A fascinating film, the science is baffling (with the usual sparkling electricity and dials, though what all the test tubes and flasks bubbling with liquid are for is not explained) but at it's heart this is an interesting examination of what really makes a person. A decent film as long as you suspect enough disbelief.