Monday, November 29, 2021

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

A superb Satanic occult horror, one of the best films by Hammer. We are in Interwar Period England. Nicholas (Christopher Lee) and Rex (Leon Greene) are looking for their young friend Simon (Patrick Mower). To Nicholas' horror, he thinks Simon has become part of a dark coven dedicated to the Horned One led by Mocata (Charles Gray). Nicholas, who is well versed himself in the dark arts himself - though for good, manages to save Simon from being baptised into the Satanic coven.

However, Mocata is not easily stopped. He summons dark forces to try and defeat Nicholas and regain Simon and Tanith (Nike Arrighi) who is also due to be baptised in goat's blood. There follows a terrifying battle between good and evil...

A wonderful film and also notable for Christopher Lee being the good guy for a change. The film has a rare depth for horror films of the period.