Monday, June 6, 2022

Empire of the Ants (1977)

A film about radioactive giant ants, probably as good as it could have been which isn't saying much.

Marilyn (Joan Collins) is arranging a tour of a Florida island, which she wants to sell plots of land to naive customers. Don't show the drum of nuclear waste which has been dumped on the beach. Some ants get enveloped in leaking nasty stuff.

Marilyn and her motley crew of 1970s disaster/monster film stereotypes are soon menaced by human sized ants. Their boat is attacked and destroyed leaving them marooned on the island. A battle for survival begins as they try and flee the giant ants, many falling and being torn to pieces in some rather graphic scenes...

It is ridiculous of course, the giant ants don't look too bad as puppets in close-ups (though scenes with magnified real ants not so good) but the horror and gore hit the spot. The film lacks some menace though for some reason and the plot is the usual nonsense with people behaving very strangely and annoying. For a giant insect monster film however, it isn't bad, though that isn't exactly a high bar.