Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Trespasser (1929)

An early talkie, sometimes a little melodramatic but an interesting film all the same.

Marion (Gloria Swanson) is a stenographer who falls in love with the boss' son Jack (Robert Ames). They elope and get married but the father-in-law disapproves of his son marrying a poor girl. The marriage is quickly annulled but Marion is already pregnant. Despite great difficulty (this is the 1920s after all), Marion raises the boy herself. She suffers all sorts of troubles (she has some remarkably bad luck) and ends up losing the son but can she regain him and Jack?

This was Gloria Swanson's first talkie (though the film was made in sound and silent versions) and her triumph earning her an Oscar nomination. Some of the acting is a hybrid of the highly expressive silent era style and the new more static talkie style. The film is rather melodramatic, cliched and a bit corny but a very interesting and stylish watch.