Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Bloody Brood (1959)

Just how annoying were the Beatniks frequently in film?! The annoyance factor is high in this one.

Drug dealer Nico (Peter Falk) and his band of Beatniks are bored daddy-o, they want some action. Nico decides that that action is murder. He arranges the horrific death of a young telegram messenger just for the kicks. The kid's brother Cliff (Jack Betts) begins to investigate what happened. He infiltrates the Beatnik scene, but soon finds himself in peril...

This film is short but is a bit of a drag. If you can get past the annoying Beatniks (not the easiest task to be honest) then this is a reasonable enough crime drama. It also is interesting to see Peter Falk in an early role.