Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Rebel Set (1959)

Beatnik weirdness doesn't quite distract from a solid crime drama.

John (Gregg Palmer) is a wannabe actor, part of the gang at a nearby Beat Generation hangout. He is recruited by mastermind beard Tucker (Edward Platt) for a daring raid on an armoured car in Chicago to steal a cool million bucks. That would pay for a lot of beard stroking and bad poetry.

John, using the cover of going for an acting trial, is forced to take his wife Jeanne (Kathleen Crowley) with him on the train. The heist goes off without a hitch but the trouble starts later on when the crooks start wanting more than their fair share in the loot...

If you can get past the ridiculous Beat Club scenes, including a loud mouth square being thrown out for interrupting some ham spouting bad poetry, this is a pretty good crime film which makes the best use of a minute budget.