Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Beyond the Time Barrier (1960)

A 1960s astronaut is sent into the far future... 2024 to be exact.

Allison (Robert Clarke) is testing the X-80, a new research craft. However, when he lands at his airbase he finds it derelict and everyone has vanished. He is soon captured by a strange group of people in matching outfits. Allison discovers that he is not in 1960 anymore, somehow he has been sent to 2024. 

The land has been devastated by cosmic rays and the remains of mankind live underground in rival factions. Allison is captured by one faction who are powerful but the radiation has made them largely sterile. Allison wants to return home though The Supreme (Vladimir Sokoloff) has other plans for him, he wants Allison to mate with his daughter Trirene (Darlene Tompkins)...

A slightly strange but enjoyable film. The budget is low but well used. The plot is a little more meaty than other examples of the genre. Of course their idea of the 2020s hasn't quite matched reality though the triangular doors really would be wonderful.