Friday, November 25, 2022

The Visitor (1979)

An entertaining if somewhat confusing and bizarre piece of science-fiction / horror.

The forces of good and evil are battling across the universe. On little old Earth a young girl called Katy (Paige Conner) is possessed by telekinetic powers and a desire to cause evil, her poor mum Barbara (Joanne Nail) gets crippled after Katy (accidentall? Maybe, maybe not.) shoots her in the spine. Police detective Durham (Glenn Ford) is convinced there is something going on with Katy, though the girl's demonic pet falcon soon sorts that out...

Meanwhile, Jerzy (John Huston) has arrived on Earth to find Katy and prevent her mum becoming pregnant again as the second child will be bad news for the universe...

It is all rather confusing with often strange visuals and a bizarrely inappropriate soundtrack. The demonic horror does work at times though, the film may have been better if it had concentrated on that and not the outer space battle stuff. However, the nonsense and oddness does make the film pretty unintentionally funny. Conner plays a great role as the demon child, though as with most 8 year olds it probably wasn't entirely acting.