Thursday, March 30, 2023

Battling Butler (1926)

More restrained than usual for a Buster Keaton film, the comedy coming from the story and situations rather than impressive physical feats.

Alfred Butler (Keaton) is a foppish young man sent by his father to do some hunting to toughen him up. Alfred continues his easy life in the mountains though in a luxurious tent and not a great deal of luck hunting! However, he meets a girl (Sally O'Neill) and falls in love. 

Unfortunately for Alfred, her male relatives are against the match as they think he is a bit of a weed. Alfred's valet (Snitz Edwards) tries to pretend Alfred is a boxer with the same name. Naturally soon Alfred has to enter the ring for real!

An enjoyable if subtle film. It is rather sweet and touching with good visual gags rather than manic slapstick. It is maybe not Keaton's best but it showed he had many strings to his bow.