Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Omoo-Omoo, the Shark God (1949)

A remarkably cheap film about a Pacific Islander curse and the eyes of a god.

Sea captain Guy (Trevor Bardette) has stolen a couple of pearls from a South Sea Island people, the pearls being the eyes of their Shark God. Guy is cursed with a tabu and is sent into near madness and bad health. He is forced to return to the island. However, he still won't tell the Chief (Pedro de Cordoba) where the pearls/eyes are. Guy's crew include some disreputable members who fancy the pearls for themselves...

A fairly dreary film, short in length though padded out with plenty of stock footage (including an underwater life scene which seems to go on for ages). The story is thin, the sets basic and the acting either non-existent or awkward. Not really a lot of jungle fun.