Monday, June 10, 2024

The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date (1940)

The Lone Wolf in action again, with a somewhat overly complicated plot.

The Lone Wolf Michael Lanyard (Warren William) is in Cuba buying rare stamps. He encounters Patricia Lawrence (Frances Robinson) who needs help, which the Lone Wolf agrees to give of course! 

Patricia's brother has been kidnapped by a criminal gang, though the gang steal the Lone Wolf's stamp album thinking it is the money! The Lone Wolf begins to hunt down the gang, but of course the police are trying to hunt him down instead!

The film has a complicated plot, like so many B-movies about three movies' worth of storyline is squeezed into one! The light hearted feel to the film with plenty of banter between the Lone Wolf and his butler Jamison (Eric Blore) keeps things moving at a good pace and adds to the high entertainment value.