Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Who Killed Gail Preston? (1938)

An interesting little murder mystery, and including some musical numbers too!

Gail Preston (Rita Hayworth) is a popular young singer working in the club, her talent is only matched by her ability to make enemies including her ex whom she wants fired. She is gunned down at the end of a song in the club and detective Tom Kellogg (Don Terry) is quickly on the case. 

It seems like it might be a simple case too as Owen (Dwight Frye) confesses to the murder then kills himself. However, it is quickly revealed that it wasn't Owen, there was another culprit and a fascinatingly devious way to commit the crime...

A good crime drama with plenty of red herrings and twists and turns as the various suspects are ticked off one by one. However, the film is basically a remake of 1934's The Crime of Helen Stanley (though in the earlier film's case the crime takes place on a movie set). But the crime is ingenious enough to be enjoyable twice!