An unusual but interesting drama of a small town telephone company when the local dam fails and threatens the town. Red (Grant Withers) and Shorty (Warren Hymer) are new telephone linesmen in town to help extend the network. They are cocky and fresh and soon get into a fight at a dance... unfortunately it's with their boss Tom Summers (Pat Flaherty) and he isn't too pleased to get a shiner from them.
Helen Molly (Judith Allen) is a telephone operator whom Red has the hots for, he think she's a swell gal though unfortunately for him she considers him a bit annoying... but you know how it'll end up! Helen is up fired when she leaves her post to save Tom from finding out about his cheating wife.
So far the film is OK, a bit slow and meandering and a bit complicated. Then the dam breaks and the film shifts from second gear to about seventh in a snap. The final act of the film is frenetic as Helen mans the switchboard and Red and Shorty perform emergency repairs to the telephone lines as flood waters engulf the valley. They save the day but quite where everyone else is (especially Tom) is a mystery that's never explained.