Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Bless This House (1972)

One of the many big screen spin-offs of British sitcoms, Bless This House was a family sitcom starring Sid James and Diana Coupland.

In this feature length story a new family (its Terry (Scott) and June (Whitfield)!) moves in next door and much hilarity ensues amid the 70s domestic suburban bliss...

Truthfully it's all rather corny and low in ambition, there arn't any big ideas or diversions which often happen in these sitcom spin-offs. There isn't really even much plot, its more like they took three sitcom plots and merged them together. Thankfully it is very funny and Sid gives his famous laugh with regularity.

The film mixes the TV Bless This House series with Terry & June and the result is Carry On Suburbia. Somehow it's brilliant!