Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cyborg Cop II (1994)

Jack Ryan (David Bradley) is that underused movie trope: the maverick cop who doesn't play by the rules. During a long (very long) shootout during a drug bust his partner is killed by crazed drug boss Starkraven (Morgan Hunter). Starkraven is captured and sentenced to death row... but is instead sent to a secret base where he is turned into a cyborg...

Starkraven and some other cyborgs are intended as super warriors who will always be under control of the authorities, many fail safe measures are in place to make sure they can never turn on their masters. Naturally Starkraven escapes in minutes and releases his (small) army of cyborgs to conquer the world. Ryan meanwhile is tracking down what happened Starkraven and with the help of Federal agent Liz (Jill Pierce) and a lot of heavy firepower the stage is set for a showdown...

There is rather a lot of violence in this film. To be honest a bit too much. The opening scene in the drug raid seems to go on forever. The film has lots of plot holes and obviously isn't filmed in the US despite the setting (some of the accents of the supporting actors are hilariously bad). It makes little sense but is fine mindless fun.