Friday, September 13, 2019

Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)

Ten years after Dracula was killed by Van Helsing his castle lies empty, except for the mysterious and frankly rather sinister servant Klove (Peter Latham). Two English couples (played by Barbara Shelley, Francis Matthews, Susan Farmer and Charles Tingwell) on holiday come across the castle and despite warnings from Father Sandor (Andrew Keir) stay the night in the castle. They don't really have much choice in the matter to be honest...

Very soon they find themselves menaced by the resurrected (in a rather creepy scene) dark lord Dracula (Christopher Lee)...

Once the film gets going it is wonderfully dramatic and intense with plenty of snarling vampire action. Dracula doesn't utter a word in the film (apart from a cruel shriek) but is an irresistibly evil presence.