Friday, September 6, 2019

The Love Nest (1923)

A fun Buster Keaton short. Buster seeks to forget his lost love by sailing off on his boat. He ends up having to be rescued by a whaling ship (which for some reason is called the Love Nest) captained by a tough and mean old sea dog (Joe Roberts) who throws his crew overboard for the slightest reason...

Well that's the flimsy story, that isn't the point of a comedy short like this. The plot is just a framework to hang on a lot of sight gags. Some are funny though the film doesn't always hit the mark.

One notable gag is Buster "fishing". He walks down a rope ladder into the water with a gun until he is completely submerged. There is a puff of smoke from below the surface and then he returns up the ladder holding a fish!